Important Information for Kilimanjaro
Can I Climb Mount Kilimanjaro?
Can I Climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

Can I Climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

You were just browsing your Instagram and you saw one of the people you follow standing in front of the sign on top of Kilimanjaro. Your first thought was that is awesome. Your second thought is I wish I could do that.

kilimanjaro signYou should ask yourself, can I climb Kilimanjaro? The short answer is yes. However, there are a few items that need to be addressed before you go. 

These three items are 

Logistics—such as when to go, the time involved, the money, flights, COVID, whether or not you want to climb with a group or book a private climb, and the climb operator.

Fitness—Are you able to exercise enough to get into great shape to climb Kilimanjaro. Do you really want to? What is your motivation to do it?


Equipment—Do you have all the required gear to tackle such an amazing challenge? Continue reading to find out.


kilimanjaro planningLet’s start with the logistics. First of all, can you afford it? The cost includes the flights, which usually start around $900 and go up. The price depends on the time of year. Additionally, you are required to get travel insurance. This should protect you in case of trip cancelation, delayed or canceled flights, getting sick or injured, lost luggage, being hospitalized, and trekking up to 6,000 meters. The price depends on your age, but usually starts at $150 and goes up from there. 

Secondly, and most importantly, You need to pick a reputable company to lead your climb. Climbing Kilimanjaro with a mid-range operator is the most economical way to climb Kilimanjaro. Sure, there are cheaper budget operators. But do you want to trust your health and wellbeing to an unreliable guiding company? You could spend fewer dollars and pay for it with a terrible experience, they may take your money and run, or worse, medical bills when you get altitude sickness and have to receive medical attention when you are halfway around the world. 

Furthermore, set a budget for tipping. You’ll see, the guides and especially the porters are very hard-working people. Without them, you would not be able to make the summit. Tip them well. You can read more here:

Picking the right operator is the most important decision you can make when it comes to the success of your climb.

Moreover, you’ll need to pick a time of year where you have a minimum of 10-12 days to go. This, of course, depends on the route. We recommend June through October or December through February. Tanzania has two rainy seasons—March through May and November. 

Finally, You have to decide if you want to join a group or book a private climb and if you want to add a safari. 


kilimanjaro trainingAm I capable of climbing Kilimanjaro? The answer to this question is yes. But am I fit enough? If you don’t hike regularly, then probably not. But don’t worry, book far enough in advance so you have at least 12 weeks to train for it. You’ll want to be in really good shape before you climb Kilimanjaro. 

The better shape you are in, the more likely you are to reach the summit. If your body isn’t struggling with hiking, it is easier to adapt to the extreme elevation. 

Also, make sure to eat and drink enough along the way. We know it is difficult to do, especially when you are cold and wet. That is why our guides will tell you to drink throughout your trek. 

Of course, you also need to be motivated to climb Kilimanjaro. Book with a friend or loved one and train together. Track your fitness. Be each other’s motivation. Additionally, Social Media is a good motivator. Imagine how sick it would be to post your Kilimanjaro pics. Your friend’s phones will blow up with all the likes your photos will get. 


kilimanjaro gearLastly, do you have the right gear? Go here to see the recommend minimum gear list:

Many people are not accustomed to “roughing it” so they find this list to be a bit on the minimalist side. Do your research and pack more clothes if you get cold easily. Make sure to read the materials given to you by your operator. It is full of important information. We find that the biggest mistake people make is not reading the provided material and being underprepared. If you fail to do your homework, the only person who will suffer is you. 

In conclusion, the questions shouldn’t be “Can I climb Mount Kilimanjaro?” but rather “When can I climb Kilimanjaro?” We hope your answer is soon, and we would love to guide you on an epic trip of a lifetime.

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